One of my babies is lost to me for now. Today my brother, my Joshie died. No longer will I hear his great laugh. Will I see his amazing smile. Will I look into his smiling eyes. No longer will I share in life with him. He was barely a man and yet he already left such a amazing and rich legacy. Like a shadow in late afternoon his shadow was long, it fell on and touched so many.
My brother was amazing. I am and was so proud of him. He lived his life to bring beauty to God and to others. Whether it was in his love of music , or in his love of singing. He brought beauty in his love of dance. His love of photography and sharing the beauty of nature as he saw it. His love of plants and growing them. He loved sharing about God and what He was doing in his life. He was exuberant and stubborn. He was growing to be daring and confident. He would take time to listen and gain wisdom from those around him. He was unashamed and unabashed in his love for his Savior.
He wasn't afraid to show you what he was feeling. To show you the depth of his emotions. He truly loved and cared for people. You felt that and knew it. He took all our teasing so well, well most of the time. And tease him we did. At times because he made himself such a easy target. When Josh was fascinated with something he would find books about whatever it was and study them. Learning all he possibly could. If you asked him he would share all that knowledge with you. Sometimes even when you didn't ask him. My brother was so gifted in so many different ways. It's hard to distill that. It's hard to make a snap-shoot of the amazing picture of who he was. I feel sad for all who won't be able to know him. I feel sad for all of us who did know him. Because all of us who knew him grieve, not because God elected to take Josh to be with Him. But because we will no longer have Josh with us.
Friday, November 13, 2009
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
The Beast
If you have seen any of my status updates the past couple of days you would have seen that I have been locked in a land war with a diabolical foe. In the front of my grandmother's house is a bush that I lovingly (read sarcastic undertones) refer to "The Beast". My grandparents have had this bush for a very long time. As long as I can remember in fact. My grandfather brought a clipping from the Big Island and planted it in front of the house. As a kid I had many fond memories of this bush. My sisters and I would gather up the small purplish-pink four petaled flowers and toss them in the air over our heads. They would spiral down over us in a shower of little helicopters. That's what we would call it, the helicopter bush. Like I said I had many fond memories of that bush.
Not anymore. Not since I became the one to have to control it. I didn't think I would mind so much. I enjoy being outside. The warm sun shining down on me, a cool breeze and blue, blue skies overhead. How bad could it be to trim one bush. But soon I discovered that the bush wasn't going to peacefully submit to being tamed. It grows like a giant rats nest. Branches shoot out 6 feet or higher straight up to the sky and every other direction. It looks for any thing it can latch onto and wrap it self around. The branches twist and turn, entwining and weaving themselves into a tangled mess. And it grows incredibly fast. I swear I just cut it and 2 days later I will see a vines sticking out 6 ft in every direction. As if the isn't bad enough the leaves have this little hairs on them that are annoyingly itchy. And the branches bite. I always end up covered in scratches after I finish.
I actually haven't taken on the Beast in about a year. Last year a friend of mine was helping take care of the yard work for me. I wasn't able to get out and tackle it due to caring for my grandfather.It was nice to not to have to worry about it. It was also nice to because I run into problems with grandma when I do it. I tend to try to keep the yard somewhat under submission and I guess I was cutting too much back for grandma. It's hard when you have someone who is rather indecisive in some things. Going back and forth on what she wants done. And very set and unmoving on other things. It was hard to make her see that some things were better. That it needed to be done. It was also rather frustrating to have my friend tell grandma the exact same thing I was telling her and have her go along with it because he told her it. So after a while I just let things slide until she would ask me to do it. One of those things was the bush out front. I was going to go out and cut it one day when she told me that she would rather I didn't since the bush hadn't bloomed with as many flowers as it used to. Since then I haven't touched it. As it is a rather forceful and encroaching beast it has been steadily taking over the front yard. Then last week grandma came into my room and said "maybe we should cut the bush. It's taking over the yard." We being me of course. I actually don't mind as long as I don't mind as long as I don't have to deal with drama with it.
On Monday I set out into what would be my first foray. Due to the fact that my grandpa was very frugal and wanted to keep things as simple as possible my weapons were a pair of hedge shears, a lopping shears and a pruner. I was three hours into a major engagement with the Beast when I decided to fall back and go get some heavy artillery. I was running into the problem of having lots of small branches intermingled with thicker branches. My poor hedge shears were doing great with the small branches but just couldn't cut it with the bigger branches. And it was taking way too long cutting them one at a time. So out I went to get a big bad electric hedge trimmer.
Maybe it's because I'm so much like my dad but I love tools. Especially big, bad, monster tools. Give me a pneumatic framing nail gun. A 19.2 volt cordless drill/driver. A table saw. Oh baby! Love them. So needless to say I wasn't a hard sell when it came to getting another toy...uh I mean very important tool. Tuesday came all bright and sunshiny and I was ready to battle again. Unfortunately the skirmish again went to my enemy. The hedge trimmer worked like a dream. It cut through the resistance like a hot knife through butter but I was left to clean up the casualties and there was much more of them then I could manage. I stuffed as much as I could into the green waste bin but that filled up way too quickly. Next I tried to stuff them in to garbage bags but they shredded the bags. I then got a tarp and wrapped up a massive load and drug it to the compost pile in the lower yard. But even after all that I still had a yard full of debris. I filled a large trash can and finally had to call it quits. I was way to hot and starting to not feel too good. I had been out for 3 hrs in direct sun and 90º temps. Even with my "killer hat" as my neighbor called it I was done in and had to beat a strategic retreat.
Day three came and I decided to follow the advice of a very wise woman to wait until later in the day for a sneak attack. Well, actually she said to wait until night fall but I decided to wait until after 4 to lull the Beast into a false sense of security. Some of the reason I decided on this strategy was because I had to take grandma to a Doctor appointment and some of it was because it was another scorcher today. After the Doctor appointment I stopped at the store to pick up some different trash bags. What followed was another hard and long clash but I was able to finish most of clean up. Eight bags later, I had to again retreat when it got too dark. For now the Beast is tamed. My foe is vanquished, but only for a time. Soon I know the time will come again when I will have go out again and battle.
Not anymore. Not since I became the one to have to control it. I didn't think I would mind so much. I enjoy being outside. The warm sun shining down on me, a cool breeze and blue, blue skies overhead. How bad could it be to trim one bush. But soon I discovered that the bush wasn't going to peacefully submit to being tamed. It grows like a giant rats nest. Branches shoot out 6 feet or higher straight up to the sky and every other direction. It looks for any thing it can latch onto and wrap it self around. The branches twist and turn, entwining and weaving themselves into a tangled mess. And it grows incredibly fast. I swear I just cut it and 2 days later I will see a vines sticking out 6 ft in every direction. As if the isn't bad enough the leaves have this little hairs on them that are annoyingly itchy. And the branches bite. I always end up covered in scratches after I finish.
I actually haven't taken on the Beast in about a year. Last year a friend of mine was helping take care of the yard work for me. I wasn't able to get out and tackle it due to caring for my grandfather.It was nice to not to have to worry about it. It was also nice to because I run into problems with grandma when I do it. I tend to try to keep the yard somewhat under submission and I guess I was cutting too much back for grandma. It's hard when you have someone who is rather indecisive in some things. Going back and forth on what she wants done. And very set and unmoving on other things. It was hard to make her see that some things were better. That it needed to be done. It was also rather frustrating to have my friend tell grandma the exact same thing I was telling her and have her go along with it because he told her it. So after a while I just let things slide until she would ask me to do it. One of those things was the bush out front. I was going to go out and cut it one day when she told me that she would rather I didn't since the bush hadn't bloomed with as many flowers as it used to. Since then I haven't touched it. As it is a rather forceful and encroaching beast it has been steadily taking over the front yard. Then last week grandma came into my room and said "maybe we should cut the bush. It's taking over the yard." We being me of course. I actually don't mind as long as I don't mind as long as I don't have to deal with drama with it.
On Monday I set out into what would be my first foray. Due to the fact that my grandpa was very frugal and wanted to keep things as simple as possible my weapons were a pair of hedge shears, a lopping shears and a pruner. I was three hours into a major engagement with the Beast when I decided to fall back and go get some heavy artillery. I was running into the problem of having lots of small branches intermingled with thicker branches. My poor hedge shears were doing great with the small branches but just couldn't cut it with the bigger branches. And it was taking way too long cutting them one at a time. So out I went to get a big bad electric hedge trimmer.
Maybe it's because I'm so much like my dad but I love tools. Especially big, bad, monster tools. Give me a pneumatic framing nail gun. A 19.2 volt cordless drill/driver. A table saw. Oh baby! Love them. So needless to say I wasn't a hard sell when it came to getting another toy...uh I mean very important tool. Tuesday came all bright and sunshiny and I was ready to battle again. Unfortunately the skirmish again went to my enemy. The hedge trimmer worked like a dream. It cut through the resistance like a hot knife through butter but I was left to clean up the casualties and there was much more of them then I could manage. I stuffed as much as I could into the green waste bin but that filled up way too quickly. Next I tried to stuff them in to garbage bags but they shredded the bags. I then got a tarp and wrapped up a massive load and drug it to the compost pile in the lower yard. But even after all that I still had a yard full of debris. I filled a large trash can and finally had to call it quits. I was way to hot and starting to not feel too good. I had been out for 3 hrs in direct sun and 90º temps. Even with my "killer hat" as my neighbor called it I was done in and had to beat a strategic retreat.
Day three came and I decided to follow the advice of a very wise woman to wait until later in the day for a sneak attack. Well, actually she said to wait until night fall but I decided to wait until after 4 to lull the Beast into a false sense of security. Some of the reason I decided on this strategy was because I had to take grandma to a Doctor appointment and some of it was because it was another scorcher today. After the Doctor appointment I stopped at the store to pick up some different trash bags. What followed was another hard and long clash but I was able to finish most of clean up. Eight bags later, I had to again retreat when it got too dark. For now the Beast is tamed. My foe is vanquished, but only for a time. Soon I know the time will come again when I will have go out again and battle.
Friday, July 31, 2009
Week 3
So today was week 3 of the experiment. And I must say I have continued to be impressed. There is lots of new growth and on the cherry tomato lots of flowers. It's getting harder to water them now because of all the new growth as I have to stand on the ledge to reach the top. Not a bad problem to have I suppose. But I guess I'm going to have to break down and get a watering wand pretty soon.
Friday, July 24, 2009
Topsy Turvy Experiment
Yesterday was the 2 week mark in my experiment. I must say that I'm pleased with the results so far. I've seen noticeable changes and growth. You can see where the branches are curving upward towards the sun. And on the cherry tomato there has been more sprouting of flowers. A small green tomato has formed and continues to grow bigger and bigger. So all in all I'm pleased. Hopefully the rest of the experiment will be pleasing as well.
7 days into the experiment. Not bad I suppose but I must confess I am quite impatient and wanted to see more growth.
Cherry Tomato: Day 14. I've been very impressed by the Cherry Tomato. It already has a fruit and more flowers sprouting.
Thursday, July 9, 2009
The Great 'Topsy Turvy Tomato' Experiment
Last year before I left Grandma heard about something called Topsy Turvy. It's a planter for tomatoes. There is a hole in the bottom where you insert the seedling in. Then you fill the rest of the bag with potting soil. It's suppose to help them grow better and bigger. The bag is suppose to work like a greenhouse. And then you won't stakes or cages to keep the tomatoes from falling over. It's also suppose to be great for those who don't have space for a garden. And the best part is you don't have to weed. So we shall see how this goes. Today is day 1. I will keep you updated on how it works.

Thursday, June 25, 2009
I'm not who I was...
I've always heard that growth is good. And I truly believe it is. It's important to grow and change. I am not the same person I was even a year ago. I have changed to adapt to where I am now and what is happening in my life now. I have stretched and changed. I can't stay at where I was before. It's not who I am now. God has moved me on. A friend of mine once said that growth is so important to have because the opposite of it is not good. The opposite of growth is death. So as painful as growing and stretching can be I need to do it. I can't be where God wants me to be tomorrow if I'm not willing move to where He wants me today. You might think that this is rather random and it is, but it is also me wanting to express what I have been learning lately.
I have learnt that I am not perfect. I mess up more then I do right. I try and that's all that I can do. I can strive to do more but in the end I can only do what I can do. I am learning that it's ok. It's ok to not have it all together. It's ok to be not ok sometimes. That I mess up but it's ok. God forgives me and my real friends do as well.
I'm learning that people disappoint and frustrate me. And I know I disappoint and frustrate others. I'm learning that I can't live up to someone else's expectations and standards. And other people can't live up to mine. I'm learning that not everyone is going to like me (a hard one for me). And I'm learning that I'm not going to like everybody.
I'm learning that's it's ok to say no sometimes. It kinda goes back to the having everyone like me thing. But sometimes I need to say no. I'm learning that it's ok to stay away from those who just want to use and abuse me. Who want to suck me into their drama. Who suck the life from me. Or make me apart of something I don't need to be apart of. I can't be their savior, only Jesus can be. I can't and don't have to fix other peoples problems for them. I can only do what God asks me to do.
I'm learning that I am a sponge. I absorb everything and I need to stop. I can't take everything upon myself. I'm not Superman. I can't do it all. I'm learning that that's ok too.
I need to learn how to let go of past hurts and resentments. To learn how to take criticism the right way. Not as a personal insult but as something, that if it's true, to gain wisdom from. And if it's not true to let it slide right off me. To not beat myself up over the things I can't do. But realize that there are many things that I can do. I need to realize that there is always room to learn more. To grow more. God help me to never stop growing.
I have learnt that I am not perfect. I mess up more then I do right. I try and that's all that I can do. I can strive to do more but in the end I can only do what I can do. I am learning that it's ok. It's ok to not have it all together. It's ok to be not ok sometimes. That I mess up but it's ok. God forgives me and my real friends do as well.
I'm learning that people disappoint and frustrate me. And I know I disappoint and frustrate others. I'm learning that I can't live up to someone else's expectations and standards. And other people can't live up to mine. I'm learning that not everyone is going to like me (a hard one for me). And I'm learning that I'm not going to like everybody.
I'm learning that's it's ok to say no sometimes. It kinda goes back to the having everyone like me thing. But sometimes I need to say no. I'm learning that it's ok to stay away from those who just want to use and abuse me. Who want to suck me into their drama. Who suck the life from me. Or make me apart of something I don't need to be apart of. I can't be their savior, only Jesus can be. I can't and don't have to fix other peoples problems for them. I can only do what God asks me to do.
I'm learning that I am a sponge. I absorb everything and I need to stop. I can't take everything upon myself. I'm not Superman. I can't do it all. I'm learning that that's ok too.
I need to learn how to let go of past hurts and resentments. To learn how to take criticism the right way. Not as a personal insult but as something, that if it's true, to gain wisdom from. And if it's not true to let it slide right off me. To not beat myself up over the things I can't do. But realize that there are many things that I can do. I need to realize that there is always room to learn more. To grow more. God help me to never stop growing.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Going to the Chapel...
I went to a wedding today. It's was incredibly beautiful. It was at Moli'i Gardens at Kualoa Ranch. Hidden away next to the fishpond. It's amazing how the early Hawaiians thought. They were quite brilliant in some things. Fish go in and feed, then get so big they can't get out. While I was standing there I could see and hear the splashing of fish leaping out of the water. One splash was so big and loud I thought somebody had jumped in! In the shallows a very large fish kept swimming by. His back fin and tail could be seen and would cut through the water as he went after his prey.
It is something that you would never guess is there. In fact I talked to several people who have lived on Oahu all their lives and never knew it was there. One of these days I would love to take some of the tours they offer at the ranch. The garden was gorgeous. The colors were so vivid and brilliant. Rich burgundies, bright scarlets, luminous yellows, greens in as many shades as you can possibly imagine, warm browns, and the vivid blue of the sky before soft gray clouds hid it from view. The perfect background for a wedding with all that color and the mountains standing directly behind the walkway for the bride. The adorable flower-girl and ring-bearer trailed after their father as he escorted his mother-in-law, the bride's mother to her seat. The bridesmaids dressed in breezy dresses of cerulean came next. Gracefully traveling down the curving stairs to stand in expectation for the bride. Soon the moment came when the bride stepped to to the top step with her father. She was radiantly beautiful. Shimmering with excitement and love for her groom. Down, she tread, getting closer and closer to the her love and the start of her new life. The ceremony was performed with care, making sure the gravity of the vows the bride and groom were making were carefully thought through. But it also expressed the joy of the moment. Soon came the exchanging of rings and partaking of communion. The best, as always, is saved for last, the first kiss as man and wife.
I think one of the reasons I love weddings so much (well at least the ones where I not running around like crazy trying to solve unexpected problems and accomplish everything that needs to get done) is because it is celebrating the joy of two people in love committing themselves to each other. And if they are serving God, committing their lives together to God. Awesome! Congratulations Mike and Julie!

It is something that you would never guess is there. In fact I talked to several people who have lived on Oahu all their lives and never knew it was there. One of these days I would love to take some of the tours they offer at the ranch. The garden was gorgeous. The colors were so vivid and brilliant. Rich burgundies, bright scarlets, luminous yellows, greens in as many shades as you can possibly imagine, warm browns, and the vivid blue of the sky before soft gray clouds hid it from view. The perfect background for a wedding with all that color and the mountains standing directly behind the walkway for the bride. The adorable flower-girl and ring-bearer trailed after their father as he escorted his mother-in-law, the bride's mother to her seat. The bridesmaids dressed in breezy dresses of cerulean came next. Gracefully traveling down the curving stairs to stand in expectation for the bride. Soon the moment came when the bride stepped to to the top step with her father. She was radiantly beautiful. Shimmering with excitement and love for her groom. Down, she tread, getting closer and closer to the her love and the start of her new life. The ceremony was performed with care, making sure the gravity of the vows the bride and groom were making were carefully thought through. But it also expressed the joy of the moment. Soon came the exchanging of rings and partaking of communion. The best, as always, is saved for last, the first kiss as man and wife.
I think one of the reasons I love weddings so much (well at least the ones where I not running around like crazy trying to solve unexpected problems and accomplish everything that needs to get done) is because it is celebrating the joy of two people in love committing themselves to each other. And if they are serving God, committing their lives together to God. Awesome! Congratulations Mike and Julie!

Sunday, June 14, 2009
When you say nothing at all...
So in the past week I had three people ask me if I was going to start blogging again. It made me realize just how long it had been since I wrote. Don't ask me why I stopped. I don't know. I actually really enjoy writing. I enjoy finding the right words to express myself. Call me a nerd but I find words fascinating. I have in the past, pulled out a dictionary and just started reading. That helped these past three months as I played alot of boggle with my parents.
Not only is it aptly using the language, but I really enjoy painting a picture of my thoughts to share. To give you a glimpse into me. To share some of myself with you. I sometimes find that funny because I really struggle when I have conversations with people. I usually leave the conversation replaying it back in my mind and feeling that I don't express myself well. I think that's why I like writing so much because I can put more thought into exactly what I want to say.
I also think that's why enjoy taking pictures so much. I am able to share what I see. To let you see through my eyes. See what moves me and fills me with awe. What makes me happy and makes me smile. I love capturing a moment to keep forever. The split second of time that is gone so quickly. To have a tangible thing to hold onto to help keep a memory. I often take my camera with me when I go out and force people to have their pictures taken. I can't tell you how grateful I am to have pictures to refresh in my mind a event that meant so much to me.
I once thought about what is my favorite thing to photograph and I don't think I could say it's any one thing. There is so much amazing beauty out there. In the vast and majestic. In the small and minute. The expressiveness of a smile or the eyes. The elegance of body lines. Creatures, cute and furry or sleek and graceful. Things taken for granted and often overlooked. I love it all.
Not only is it aptly using the language, but I really enjoy painting a picture of my thoughts to share. To give you a glimpse into me. To share some of myself with you. I sometimes find that funny because I really struggle when I have conversations with people. I usually leave the conversation replaying it back in my mind and feeling that I don't express myself well. I think that's why I like writing so much because I can put more thought into exactly what I want to say.
I also think that's why enjoy taking pictures so much. I am able to share what I see. To let you see through my eyes. See what moves me and fills me with awe. What makes me happy and makes me smile. I love capturing a moment to keep forever. The split second of time that is gone so quickly. To have a tangible thing to hold onto to help keep a memory. I often take my camera with me when I go out and force people to have their pictures taken. I can't tell you how grateful I am to have pictures to refresh in my mind a event that meant so much to me.
I once thought about what is my favorite thing to photograph and I don't think I could say it's any one thing. There is so much amazing beauty out there. In the vast and majestic. In the small and minute. The expressiveness of a smile or the eyes. The elegance of body lines. Creatures, cute and furry or sleek and graceful. Things taken for granted and often overlooked. I love it all.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
A Hair-raising Experience
Yesterday I got to go with some of my family to the science museum in Cleveland. It was so much fun. I haven't been to a science museum in years. This one had all sorts of displays to play with. I think they were trying to teach you stuff but I just ignored that. My favorite display was the one where they give you a electrical charge that literally makes your hair stand on end. My mom, sister, brother and I went on at the same time but because my hair was shorter it stuck up better. I don't it'd work for a everyday look for me but maybe every once in a while I should do this. What do you think?
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Praying for sunny days...
One of the funny things about northeast Ohio is that no matter where you go you can always start up a conversation with people by just mentioning the weather. One of the reasons is we have crazy weather here. One day we can have a incredible day of sunshine and warm weather (relatively speaking) the next it can be horribly cold and gray. Case in point was last week Friday I went out with my sister to keep her company while she went grocery shopping. It was warm enough for me to get away with just wearing a long sleeve shirt and and hoodie. Everyone one else was out in shorts and tees. It was so nice to be out and to not be freezing that I even walked home from my sisters place. Something I haven't done in awhile. The extent of my going out is running from the house to the car and from the car to wherever I'm going. It's been so bad. I haven't wanted to go anywhere. I feel like a bear, big, fluffy and just wanting to stay in the cave and hibernate. Believe me 68 felt great after the temps we have been having around here. Tuesday was 17. Yeah that's 17. Brrrrr, On Saturday the day though not too bad was definitely cooler at 53 which dropped to 43 by the afternoon but rose to 55 again in the evening after the the sun set. Like I said we have crazy weather here. Today is as gray as it comes and rainy. And though it really isn't that cold temperature wise, it's hovering right above freezing so the rain doesn't turn to snow, it almost seems colder because it's wet.
When you have days like we had on Friday around here you have to take advantage of it and take advantage of it we did. Dad pulled out the grill and that night we had steak, yum! To my dad grilling steak is a art form. He goes out and selects the perfect steaks. Nice marbling and thick. Then he seasons it so wonderfully that even now my mouth is watering. He starts with garlic and uno seasoning. Then finishes with parmesan cheese... mmmmm. Accompanied by a baked potato and a nice salad, it doesn't get much better then that. As you can tell it doesn't take much to make me happy.
Yesterday was another day of just spending time with my family. We drove out to Erie PA which is about a hour away from us. You know it's strange how I have no problem driving a hour here to go to somewhere. 30 min away, no prob. An hour, what's that? Nothing. But having to drive a hour in Hawaii is crazy long! I guess it's all relative. Though part of it might be that where we live doesn't have bad traffic on the highways. It's all pretty much clear sailing the whole way. That really helps. So we just kinda cruised all afternoon and ended up at the dollar theater. We watched two movies and even with my large family we got in paying less then what it would cost you to watch it in the regular theater. Who cares that the movies were already out of the other theaters. We hadn't seen them and I throughly enjoyed them. We watched Bedtime Stories which was hilarious and Inkheart which was very good. Both had such interesting plots, very original. It's just funny that they both came out around the same time. Because they are different in their stories lines but yet there are similarities. Such as stories coming to life.
My family does something that must drive people nuts when they go to the movies with any of us. And especially the poor theater workers. We like to stay to the very end. We enjoy to watch the credits. One reason is that is some movies will place little things at the very end (Iron Man, X-Men: The Last Stand, etc). Another reason is that we enjoy looking at the names of people who crewed the movie. I have always found names to be fascinating and sometimes extremely funny. The one that took the prize yesterday will probably be a favorite of mine from now on. Are you ready for it, the name was "Fuzzy Goat". I love it! Isn't it great. What a unfortunate name. Poor guy!
When you have days like we had on Friday around here you have to take advantage of it and take advantage of it we did. Dad pulled out the grill and that night we had steak, yum! To my dad grilling steak is a art form. He goes out and selects the perfect steaks. Nice marbling and thick. Then he seasons it so wonderfully that even now my mouth is watering. He starts with garlic and uno seasoning. Then finishes with parmesan cheese... mmmmm. Accompanied by a baked potato and a nice salad, it doesn't get much better then that. As you can tell it doesn't take much to make me happy.
Yesterday was another day of just spending time with my family. We drove out to Erie PA which is about a hour away from us. You know it's strange how I have no problem driving a hour here to go to somewhere. 30 min away, no prob. An hour, what's that? Nothing. But having to drive a hour in Hawaii is crazy long! I guess it's all relative. Though part of it might be that where we live doesn't have bad traffic on the highways. It's all pretty much clear sailing the whole way. That really helps. So we just kinda cruised all afternoon and ended up at the dollar theater. We watched two movies and even with my large family we got in paying less then what it would cost you to watch it in the regular theater. Who cares that the movies were already out of the other theaters. We hadn't seen them and I throughly enjoyed them. We watched Bedtime Stories which was hilarious and Inkheart which was very good. Both had such interesting plots, very original. It's just funny that they both came out around the same time. Because they are different in their stories lines but yet there are similarities. Such as stories coming to life.
My family does something that must drive people nuts when they go to the movies with any of us. And especially the poor theater workers. We like to stay to the very end. We enjoy to watch the credits. One reason is that is some movies will place little things at the very end (Iron Man, X-Men: The Last Stand, etc). Another reason is that we enjoy looking at the names of people who crewed the movie. I have always found names to be fascinating and sometimes extremely funny. The one that took the prize yesterday will probably be a favorite of mine from now on. Are you ready for it, the name was "Fuzzy Goat". I love it! Isn't it great. What a unfortunate name. Poor guy!
Friday, February 13, 2009
I need a hero...
Today I was almost heroic. I tried but unfortunately for me it just wasn't my time. It all started when my oldest sister came over. She was making dinner tonight. She asked if I had heard from my second oldest sister, Dara. Dara had some ingredients the Ange needed. Dara was over at her place with 2 of my other sisters, Melody and Katy. They were spending time over there keeping her company while my brother-in-law is away for the month with the National Guard. My oldest sister said she tried to call them all several times and no one was answering. We thought it was a little weird considering that they had 4 phones over there and no one was answering. Finally after I tried to call them again we decided that someone should go over there. You have to watch out over here in the winter time for carbon monoxide poisoning. It's odorless and most people don't know what is happening to them until it's to late. In most cases it's fatal. Then there was the exhaust smell my sister smelled in the house a couple weeks ago. Also a bad thing. So here I was all amped up, ready to bust down the door if they didn't answer it. Luckily for them and me they answered the door. As it turns out Mel and Katy's phones were dead, Dara left her phone upstairs and the house phone wasn't plugged in or something like that. I'm so glad that I didn't have to break down a door and that all were ok. I was all ready to be Superwoman or Xena. Like I said I was on amped up on a adrenaline high and then nothing. I felt happy but a little let down.
Right now we are watching The Chronicles of Narnia. What a great movie! A couple days ago I started to read The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe to my youngest brothers. My oldest sister started to read this to them 2 years ago but they were too young to really get into them. But now they are loving it. This series was the first 'real' books that I read. I was probably about 7 or 8. It has been a favorite ever since. It's funny though that now that there is a movie my brothers compare it to the books. We'll read and the boys will say "that's not in the movie!" Now that they are reading the books they will see something that they left out or added in in the movie and they will comment on it. I'm just glad that they are now finding the excitement and thrill of a great book!
Right now we are watching The Chronicles of Narnia. What a great movie! A couple days ago I started to read The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe to my youngest brothers. My oldest sister started to read this to them 2 years ago but they were too young to really get into them. But now they are loving it. This series was the first 'real' books that I read. I was probably about 7 or 8. It has been a favorite ever since. It's funny though that now that there is a movie my brothers compare it to the books. We'll read and the boys will say "that's not in the movie!" Now that they are reading the books they will see something that they left out or added in in the movie and they will comment on it. I'm just glad that they are now finding the excitement and thrill of a great book!
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Baby it's cold outside...
I sit here in the living room all snuggled up watching it snow once again. It can be so pretty watching it snow, just as long as I'm watching it from here in the warmth. I will admit that the snow and ice can be beautiful. I just don't like the cold that goes with it. Last week some of my siblings were out playing in snow. They had a great time. They played Pie and made snow tunnels and there was a fleeting moment of insanity for me. I actually had a moment of wanting to go join them, I quickly overcame it. Sooner or later I suppose I will have to go out and play. It just no longer appeals to me. Maybe I'm just getting old.

That's actually been feeling that I've been having alot lately. Though some of that might be the fact that I done things with the teens. They seem so young. I just look at them and think, these are all kids that were in my children's church when I taught. Kids that I have known from the time they were babies. My youngest sister is one of the oldest kids in the youth group for goodness sake! Since I was here I went to Youth Convention with the youth group. Youth Convention is a time for a couple thousand teens from all over Ohio to get together and get fired up for God. It was awesome! I had a blast though I kept thinking that I was surrounded by babies. These kids surely couldn't be old enough. And doesn't that make me the old fogey. It's pitiful.

That's actually been feeling that I've been having alot lately. Though some of that might be the fact that I done things with the teens. They seem so young. I just look at them and think, these are all kids that were in my children's church when I taught. Kids that I have known from the time they were babies. My youngest sister is one of the oldest kids in the youth group for goodness sake! Since I was here I went to Youth Convention with the youth group. Youth Convention is a time for a couple thousand teens from all over Ohio to get together and get fired up for God. It was awesome! I had a blast though I kept thinking that I was surrounded by babies. These kids surely couldn't be old enough. And doesn't that make me the old fogey. It's pitiful.

Monday, January 26, 2009
It's been awhile but I'm back...
I had really wanted to be good this time back and keep up with the whole blog thing. Honest. It’s such a great way to get my thoughts out and let people know what is happening with me. But forces beyond my control conspire to stop me. First there is the who Christmas and New Years black hole. I don’ t know where the time goes but it definitely does. Then there is the whole “Joy’s home, we want to spend all our possible time with her.” Not that I mind because I love my family and I love spending time with then. I have a hard time carving out any time for me. Then there is there is the fact that our internet connection has died so if I want to get online I either have to hit the library or my sister’s place. Which wouldn’t be bad except that means I have to leave the house. Something that I avoid if at all possible. Though everyone says I will acclimatize I haven’t yet. I’m sorry 36º is pretty stinking cold. I will admit that I do like that better then the 9º we had last week. And it’s not even that but I can’t seem to regulate my body temperature. I’m either freezing my tushie off or sweating inside because of all the layers I wear. It takes me 20 mins just to get ready to go outside. I feel like the little brother on The Christmas Story. “I can’t put my arms down!!!” Luckily for me I have such a loving family who leaves the temp in the house around 75 for me.
It’s a little hard for me to believe that I have already been here for a month. Though I have it on good authority that there are those who can definitely believe it. It’s been really nice to just be. Not to have to do much just be. Some days I don’t even get out of my pj’s. It’s wonderful. I won’t have to worry about having problems with jet lag when I get back. My family are of bunch of night owls. Must nights (or should I say mornings) I going to bed around 2 or 3.
It all started on the 18th of December. I flew out from Honolulu at 5:55pm. And though it was a overnight flight I couldn't sleep as it always seems to be the case with me. I don't’ know why. I always try but to no avail. I flew from Honolulu to Minneapolis. The flight was uneventful but long. I was ready to stand up and walk around by the time it was over. From Minneapolis I was flying to Detroit. I got to that flight with no problem. I was feeling pretty good. We started to taxi out when the Captain came on. He said he had some bad news. Detroit shut all but one runway due to the weather. But we might still be able to get out there. So we waited in the plane for a hour when we got the ok. But by that time the plane needed to be deiced and that took another hour. After we landed in Detroit we waited in the plane for 45min to get to a gate. Needless to say I didn't make my next flight. Actually my flight was canceled as were alot of other flights. And so began my 10 hour lay over in Detroit. Yea! What fun! What sublime joy! (Read heavy sarcasm) I was put on stand by on a flight leaving at 5:00. I grabbed some food then was able to pull 2 chairs together and take a nap for about a hour. That felt great. I felt bad though because my parents were already at the airport to pick me up by this point. Sorry guys!
5:00 rolled around and I was sitting at the gate counting noses. We had way to many people to try to get on the plane. I still held out hope. But in the end there was 12 of us left. I went up to the counter and was able to actually get a ticket on the last flight out. Everyone else was put on stand by. Yea God! If I hadn’t got on that flight the next flight out was the next day. The flight was to leave at 7:30 we left at 9:00. This is why I don’t like to travel in the wintertime. We all piled in glad to be finally going where we were suppose to be going. All this for a 24min flight. 24 stinking minutes. Oh well I was glad to be finally there. Back in warm and balmy Ohio! Oh happy day!
Due to the the fact that I was 10 hours late I, of course, didn’t have any luggage to meet me. Now that really stunk. I needed as much warm clothes as I possibly get. The more layers the better. I don’t go out without at least 2 layers on. I know, I know, I’m a wimp but at least I’m a warm wimp. I find myself attracted to all things warm and fuzzy ...socks, scarves, hats ...mmmmm. Anyways like I said I no luggage, no layers. I wasn’t too worried though. Last time I went home they ‘temporarily misplaced’ my luggage. I got it in a couple days. But that was in Hawaii and I had more clothes there. I had nothing here. It looked like it was wash and wear for me. Thankfully on Sunday morning 10 minutes before we needed to be at church my suitcases came. I was so happy to see them. It would have really stunk if they got permanently misplaced.
It’s a little hard for me to believe that I have already been here for a month. Though I have it on good authority that there are those who can definitely believe it. It’s been really nice to just be. Not to have to do much just be. Some days I don’t even get out of my pj’s. It’s wonderful. I won’t have to worry about having problems with jet lag when I get back. My family are of bunch of night owls. Must nights (or should I say mornings) I going to bed around 2 or 3.
It all started on the 18th of December. I flew out from Honolulu at 5:55pm. And though it was a overnight flight I couldn't sleep as it always seems to be the case with me. I don't’ know why. I always try but to no avail. I flew from Honolulu to Minneapolis. The flight was uneventful but long. I was ready to stand up and walk around by the time it was over. From Minneapolis I was flying to Detroit. I got to that flight with no problem. I was feeling pretty good. We started to taxi out when the Captain came on. He said he had some bad news. Detroit shut all but one runway due to the weather. But we might still be able to get out there. So we waited in the plane for a hour when we got the ok. But by that time the plane needed to be deiced and that took another hour. After we landed in Detroit we waited in the plane for 45min to get to a gate. Needless to say I didn't make my next flight. Actually my flight was canceled as were alot of other flights. And so began my 10 hour lay over in Detroit. Yea! What fun! What sublime joy! (Read heavy sarcasm) I was put on stand by on a flight leaving at 5:00. I grabbed some food then was able to pull 2 chairs together and take a nap for about a hour. That felt great. I felt bad though because my parents were already at the airport to pick me up by this point. Sorry guys!
5:00 rolled around and I was sitting at the gate counting noses. We had way to many people to try to get on the plane. I still held out hope. But in the end there was 12 of us left. I went up to the counter and was able to actually get a ticket on the last flight out. Everyone else was put on stand by. Yea God! If I hadn’t got on that flight the next flight out was the next day. The flight was to leave at 7:30 we left at 9:00. This is why I don’t like to travel in the wintertime. We all piled in glad to be finally going where we were suppose to be going. All this for a 24min flight. 24 stinking minutes. Oh well I was glad to be finally there. Back in warm and balmy Ohio! Oh happy day!
Due to the the fact that I was 10 hours late I, of course, didn’t have any luggage to meet me. Now that really stunk. I needed as much warm clothes as I possibly get. The more layers the better. I don’t go out without at least 2 layers on. I know, I know, I’m a wimp but at least I’m a warm wimp. I find myself attracted to all things warm and fuzzy ...socks, scarves, hats ...mmmmm. Anyways like I said I no luggage, no layers. I wasn’t too worried though. Last time I went home they ‘temporarily misplaced’ my luggage. I got it in a couple days. But that was in Hawaii and I had more clothes there. I had nothing here. It looked like it was wash and wear for me. Thankfully on Sunday morning 10 minutes before we needed to be at church my suitcases came. I was so happy to see them. It would have really stunk if they got permanently misplaced.
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