Thursday, June 25, 2009

I'm not who I was...

I've always heard that growth is good. And I truly believe it is. It's important to grow and change. I am not the same person I was even a year ago. I have changed to adapt to where I am now and what is happening in my life now. I have stretched and changed. I can't stay at where I was before. It's not who I am now. God has moved me on. A friend of mine once said that growth is so important to have because the opposite of it is not good. The opposite of growth is death. So as painful as growing and stretching can be I need to do it. I can't be where God wants me to be tomorrow if I'm not willing move to where He wants me today. You might think that this is rather random and it is, but it is also me wanting to express what I have been learning lately.

I have learnt that I am not perfect. I mess up more then I do right. I try and that's all that I can do. I can strive to do more but in the end I can only do what I can do. I am learning that it's ok. It's ok to not have it all together. It's ok to be not ok sometimes. That I mess up but it's ok. God forgives me and my real friends do as well.

I'm learning that people disappoint and frustrate me. And I know I disappoint and frustrate others. I'm learning that I can't live up to someone else's expectations and standards. And other people can't live up to mine. I'm learning that not everyone is going to like me (a hard one for me). And I'm learning that I'm not going to like everybody.

I'm learning that's it's ok to say no sometimes. It kinda goes back to the having everyone like me thing. But sometimes I need to say no. I'm learning that it's ok to stay away from those who just want to use and abuse me. Who want to suck me into their drama. Who suck the life from me. Or make me apart of something I don't need to be apart of. I can't be their savior, only Jesus can be. I can't and don't have to fix other peoples problems for them. I can only do what God asks me to do.

I'm learning that I am a sponge. I absorb everything and I need to stop. I can't take everything upon myself. I'm not Superman. I can't do it all. I'm learning that that's ok too.

I need to learn how to let go of past hurts and resentments. To learn how to take criticism the right way. Not as a personal insult but as something, that if it's true, to gain wisdom from. And if it's not true to let it slide right off me. To not beat myself up over the things I can't do. But realize that there are many things that I can do. I need to realize that there is always room to learn more. To grow more. God help me to never stop growing.


Scott Sunaoka said...

it's true. growth and change is tough. being uncomfortable is hard. it's like the baby who is completely comfortable crawling learning to walk. why walk when you can crawl much more effectively? why risk falling when you're already next to the ground? but once you get the hang of it, the whole world opens up to you. keep growing joy!

Joy said...

Absolutely. Good analogy. It was more for me just putting down somethings that I'd been learning and walking through.Thanks for the encouragement!

keao said...

joy, this is really deep...and of course, so true for most of us. What great lessons to learn...and what hard lessons to learn. Really touching.