Sunday, June 14, 2009

When you say nothing at all...

So in the past week I had three people ask me if I was going to start blogging again. It made me realize just how long it had been since I wrote. Don't ask me why I stopped. I don't know. I actually really enjoy writing. I enjoy finding the right words to express myself. Call me a nerd but I find words fascinating. I have in the past, pulled out a dictionary and just started reading. That helped these past three months as I played alot of boggle with my parents.

Not only is it aptly using the language, but I really enjoy painting a picture of my thoughts to share. To give you a glimpse into me. To share some of myself with you. I sometimes find that funny because I really struggle when I have conversations with people. I usually leave the conversation replaying it back in my mind and feeling that I don't express myself well. I think that's why I like writing so much because I can put more thought into exactly what I want to say.

I also think that's why enjoy taking pictures so much. I am able to share what I see. To let you see through my eyes. See what moves me and fills me with awe. What makes me happy and makes me smile. I love capturing a moment to keep forever. The split second of time that is gone so quickly. To have a tangible thing to hold onto to help keep a memory. I often take my camera with me when I go out and force people to have their pictures taken. I can't tell you how grateful I am to have pictures to refresh in my mind a event that meant so much to me.

I once thought about what is my favorite thing to photograph and I don't think I could say it's any one thing. There is so much amazing beauty out there. In the vast and majestic. In the small and minute. The expressiveness of a smile or the eyes. The elegance of body lines. Creatures, cute and furry or sleek and graceful. Things taken for granted and often overlooked. I love it all.


Scott Sunaoka said...

well joy, it's good to see you back. you have a great way with words and with pictures. hopefully you and keao can continue your photography journey together.

Joy said...

Aww, thanks Scott! I can always count on you to comment after I post something. You are such a great encourager.Thanks again! I hope to continue as well with Keao. She is so amazing. More than anything though, I enjoy just getting to hang out ;)