That's actually been feeling that I've been having alot lately. Though some of that might be the fact that I done things with the teens. They seem so young. I just look at them and think, these are all kids that were in my children's church when I taught. Kids that I have known from the time they were babies. My youngest sister is one of the oldest kids in the youth group for goodness sake! Since I was here I went to Youth Convention with the youth group. Youth Convention is a time for a couple thousand teens from all over Ohio to get together and get fired up for God. It was awesome! I had a blast though I kept thinking that I was surrounded by babies. These kids surely couldn't be old enough. And doesn't that make me the old fogey. It's pitiful.

wow, that's a lot of snow. i'm not sure i've ever seen so much snow all in one place like that before. oh well, stay warm joy!
I know the snow is crazy. And it keeps melting down and then snowing again so it never goes away. The snow at one point was almost to the bottom of the stop sign.
The look on Ray's face in the sixth picture is the same look that I had as I slowly realized who all those kids were!!! Oh man, we ARE old. I saw Melissa, who I haven't seen in awhile. I was wondering who the two boys were, and then it slowly dawned on me that they were, ummm, ARE the Fowler boys. And then there was Emily--I just couldn't believe it. Really, I just can't believe it.
Isn't it crazy!!! Where does the time go?
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