Monday, October 6, 2008

Fun, fun, fun...

Someone asked me today how I was doing with everything lately. I would have to say good. It's been good. I had no idea what to expect. I mean really how do you prepare for loss. You deal with so much conflicting emotions. In many ways I wanted it because Grandpa would be free. But I don't think you are ever ready to say goodbye. We were expecting it but it's still hard. It's a loss and you still have grief to deal with even when you can see what's coming. I think it's the 'what's next' question that has been the hardest. It has been for me. It'll be 4 years in December. And it was so much of my life. I can't even imagine how it is for Grandma.

I mentioned all that to say how funny it is that I can be so busy not doing anything. I'm not working yet but somehow I'm busy. I think more then anything it's that things have a way of bunching up. It'll be all quiet then all of a sudden it's crazy busy.

This past week that was the case. Didn't do much after Sunday at the beginning of the week then it got busy. On Friday I went with a friend to her doctor appointment. Her kids and I hung out in the waiting room while she was busy. I'm so excited because she's 7 weeks pregnant! Her dad teased her that she will have to have a baby to keep me here after my sister got pregnant.

A little known fact: Not only are Power Rangers superheros they are also really good rock climbers

Captain America to the rescue

After the doctor appointment we went shopping. I wore my poor friend out. She had to go home and take a nap. I, being, a glutton for punishment did some more shopping after I dropped them off. By the time I got home it was almost time to go to church. Church as always was great. And afterwards I hung out with the gang that was there. Great friends, good food from the courtyard cafe, good times. Yup, good times.

If you drive around the island on a Saturday at this time of the year you won't be able to find a empty field. It's soccer season here in Hawaii. I went to 2 games on Saturday. The first was the little guys. 3 on 3, a team of six 5 and 6 year olds. It's awesome. They really have no idea what they are doing and they really don't care. They just have fun. Last week they were more interested in squishing the cockroaches then they were in the game. They do more chasing the ball back and forth then anything. They even chase it when it's out of bounds. They are so cute!

In the afternoon I went to the other game. The girls are I think 7 to 10 year olds. So there is a little more finesse. Also so much fun to watch. I, of course, spend the time taking tons of pictures. And I do mean tons. I've gone to 5 games so far and I've taken 642 pictures. I have nothing to say for myself. Nothing at all.

The little guys are so cute!

We're the Blue Angels. Can you guess the color we are?

See how much fun they have

Our team didn't win but they didn't care because they had fun

We're cheering for the ones in white

The girls won. It was a hard fought battle

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