Today I had to go to the doctor because I was having problems breathing because of the vog. It has been so bad lately. I was a little surprised because I haven't had as much problems with my asthma for a while. Or at least not without being right in the middle of exercising. Yet another reason to avoid exercising, hehe. So the doctor prescribed 2 different inhalers to help. No problem because I was able to get on a insurance after all the craziness at the beginning of the year. Except the insurance I have doesn't cover anything but antibiotics. So I got the cheaper one which ok because it's the rescue inhaler. I have to call my doctor tomorrow to see if I can take something else. I'm so thankful that for the most part I've been pretty healthy. I can't imagine how it could be for someone who is really sick and doesn't have insurance.
Hopefully we will get the tradewinds back soon and I won't have the problems anymore. Being able to breathe is a wonderful thing!
On the upside on the 4th I will start my new job! I wasn't sure what to do about the whole job situation, going to the mainland for the holidays, what's next all that. So finally I called a friend who told me about a job she knew of. At the time she told me it didn't seem right. For one thing it is in Honolulu and I really wanted to stay in Kaneohe because of my car situation. For another it's as a dental assistant. I wasn't sure if that was something I wanted to do. Wasn't sure if it was something I could do. But nothing seemed to be opening up. Through this whole time I've been praying and I haven't felt any direction other then that I was suppose to stay here. I wanted to make sure I wasn't turning down something that I was suppose to do so I decide to call my friend and see if the job was still available. The job she told me about had been filled but she might have another job opening. It would only be part time for now and full time after April. I prayed that if I was suppose to get the job I would. If I wasn't then I wouldn't. So I got the job so what does that tell you? In alot of ways this was kinda like me doing what Gideon did and put a fleece out for God. (Judges 6:36-40)
I'm so thankful. God is so good. It's scary but it's good. God wanted me there so He'll help learn everything.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Today was so much fun. Today I got to hang out with Keao and take pictures at the beach. It doesn't get much better then that.
I got a call from Scott this morning asking if I would be interested in taking pictures at a wedding in November. That is so awesome. I'm so honored that he thought of me for that. It's actually very scary prospect, but a good scary. It's the scary because unknown part. But new challenges are good, they help us to grow.
After I talked to Scott I called Keao. We got talking and as it turned out she had a wedding to shoot this afternoon. So basically I invited myself along. I have wanted to go before but I have a hard time inviting myself to things. Luckily for me Keao had no problems with me going along. It was nice because we got to hang out all afternoon. It was all the way out in Ko Olina which is about a 30min drive away. Which isn't very far by mainland standards but for Hawaii that's pretty stinking far. and not only did I get to hang out with Keao but I got to play with her camera. Yea!
The couple was from Alaska and so nice. The day was perfect. A little overcast but overcast in the good way. Overcast it great for outdoor photography of people because it doesn't give you any harsh shadows or squinty eyes. I can't wait to see the pictures. I know Keao's will be amazing as usual and I want to see them. I'm also curious how mine came out. Unfortunately for me Keao has them. But I know she's nice and she'll share them soon.
And all this was on top of a great weekend. On Saturday was Splashdown, the 25th anniversary celebration for Hope Chapel at Hawaiian Waters Adventure Park. I haven't been there yet and I wasn't disappointed. I love water parks. Except for the whole bathing suit aspect of course.
The first ride of the day was the Cliffhanger. Which is a 6 story free fall. What a rush! What a great way to start the day.
After the Cliffhanger it was back up the HUGE hill then on to the Volcano Express. A 5 and a 1/2 story drop. But it's not just a drop you get to race your friends. I raced Dural and Matt. There was a whole lot of trash talking going on. I got hung up in the start and so I didn't win but that's ok.
After the Volcano Express we moved on to the Shaka. I rode with Matt who was so brave considering that he is scared of heights. I rode in front and it was insane. Just look at it, it's crazy. I'm so proud of you Matt.

Next was the Flyin' Hawaiian. Supposedly a nice and safe ride. Supposedly because looks can be deceiving. It is actually a very dangerous slide. Just ask Scott :)
From there we moved onto the Surfsliders. Again we raced. Not quite sure who won as I had to close my eyes at the end. My slide was especially fun as it was completely dark until you got to the end.
After the Surfsliders we met up with Scott and headed to the Tornado. The Tornado is the latest slide that they have made. It is this gigantic tunnel that drops you into a funnel that looks like it came from a cartoon.
You get to ride up to four people so Scott, Dural, Matt and I all got to ride at the same time. The inner tube looked like as one person put it a giant Honeycomb cereal piece. Though I started out facing forward I ended up going over the drop backwards. I seriously felt I was going to fall off. I obviously didn't and ended up riding the Tornado again. In fact I rode the Shaka, the Cliffhanger and the Flyin' Hawaiian twice too.
After all that we were all pretty starved so it was off to dinner then the festivities for the night that included some pretty awesome worship and a visit from the mayor. Pretty cool! And I haven't even told you about Keao's Blast from the Past birthday party and Dural's birthday dinner. I'm not going to do so now but I will soon. I promise.
I got a call from Scott this morning asking if I would be interested in taking pictures at a wedding in November. That is so awesome. I'm so honored that he thought of me for that. It's actually very scary prospect, but a good scary. It's the scary because unknown part. But new challenges are good, they help us to grow.
After I talked to Scott I called Keao. We got talking and as it turned out she had a wedding to shoot this afternoon. So basically I invited myself along. I have wanted to go before but I have a hard time inviting myself to things. Luckily for me Keao had no problems with me going along. It was nice because we got to hang out all afternoon. It was all the way out in Ko Olina which is about a 30min drive away. Which isn't very far by mainland standards but for Hawaii that's pretty stinking far. and not only did I get to hang out with Keao but I got to play with her camera. Yea!
The couple was from Alaska and so nice. The day was perfect. A little overcast but overcast in the good way. Overcast it great for outdoor photography of people because it doesn't give you any harsh shadows or squinty eyes. I can't wait to see the pictures. I know Keao's will be amazing as usual and I want to see them. I'm also curious how mine came out. Unfortunately for me Keao has them. But I know she's nice and she'll share them soon.
And all this was on top of a great weekend. On Saturday was Splashdown, the 25th anniversary celebration for Hope Chapel at Hawaiian Waters Adventure Park. I haven't been there yet and I wasn't disappointed. I love water parks. Except for the whole bathing suit aspect of course.
The first ride of the day was the Cliffhanger. Which is a 6 story free fall. What a rush! What a great way to start the day.

Next was the Flyin' Hawaiian. Supposedly a nice and safe ride. Supposedly because looks can be deceiving. It is actually a very dangerous slide. Just ask Scott :)

After all that we were all pretty starved so it was off to dinner then the festivities for the night that included some pretty awesome worship and a visit from the mayor. Pretty cool! And I haven't even told you about Keao's Blast from the Past birthday party and Dural's birthday dinner. I'm not going to do so now but I will soon. I promise.
Monday, October 6, 2008
Fun, fun, fun...
Someone asked me today how I was doing with everything lately. I would have to say good. It's been good. I had no idea what to expect. I mean really how do you prepare for loss. You deal with so much conflicting emotions. In many ways I wanted it because Grandpa would be free. But I don't think you are ever ready to say goodbye. We were expecting it but it's still hard. It's a loss and you still have grief to deal with even when you can see what's coming. I think it's the 'what's next' question that has been the hardest. It has been for me. It'll be 4 years in December. And it was so much of my life. I can't even imagine how it is for Grandma.
I mentioned all that to say how funny it is that I can be so busy not doing anything. I'm not working yet but somehow I'm busy. I think more then anything it's that things have a way of bunching up. It'll be all quiet then all of a sudden it's crazy busy.
This past week that was the case. Didn't do much after Sunday at the beginning of the week then it got busy. On Friday I went with a friend to her doctor appointment. Her kids and I hung out in the waiting room while she was busy. I'm so excited because she's 7 weeks pregnant! Her dad teased her that she will have to have a baby to keep me here after my sister got pregnant.
After the doctor appointment we went shopping. I wore my poor friend out. She had to go home and take a nap. I, being, a glutton for punishment did some more shopping after I dropped them off. By the time I got home it was almost time to go to church. Church as always was great. And afterwards I hung out with the gang that was there. Great friends, good food from the courtyard cafe, good times. Yup, good times.
If you drive around the island on a Saturday at this time of the year you won't be able to find a empty field. It's soccer season here in Hawaii. I went to 2 games on Saturday. The first was the little guys. 3 on 3, a team of six 5 and 6 year olds. It's awesome. They really have no idea what they are doing and they really don't care. They just have fun. Last week they were more interested in squishing the cockroaches then they were in the game. They do more chasing the ball back and forth then anything. They even chase it when it's out of bounds. They are so cute!
In the afternoon I went to the other game. The girls are I think 7 to 10 year olds. So there is a little more finesse. Also so much fun to watch. I, of course, spend the time taking tons of pictures. And I do mean tons. I've gone to 5 games so far and I've taken 642 pictures. I have nothing to say for myself. Nothing at all.

I mentioned all that to say how funny it is that I can be so busy not doing anything. I'm not working yet but somehow I'm busy. I think more then anything it's that things have a way of bunching up. It'll be all quiet then all of a sudden it's crazy busy.
This past week that was the case. Didn't do much after Sunday at the beginning of the week then it got busy. On Friday I went with a friend to her doctor appointment. Her kids and I hung out in the waiting room while she was busy. I'm so excited because she's 7 weeks pregnant! Her dad teased her that she will have to have a baby to keep me here after my sister got pregnant.
After the doctor appointment we went shopping. I wore my poor friend out. She had to go home and take a nap. I, being, a glutton for punishment did some more shopping after I dropped them off. By the time I got home it was almost time to go to church. Church as always was great. And afterwards I hung out with the gang that was there. Great friends, good food from the courtyard cafe, good times. Yup, good times.
If you drive around the island on a Saturday at this time of the year you won't be able to find a empty field. It's soccer season here in Hawaii. I went to 2 games on Saturday. The first was the little guys. 3 on 3, a team of six 5 and 6 year olds. It's awesome. They really have no idea what they are doing and they really don't care. They just have fun. Last week they were more interested in squishing the cockroaches then they were in the game. They do more chasing the ball back and forth then anything. They even chase it when it's out of bounds. They are so cute!
In the afternoon I went to the other game. The girls are I think 7 to 10 year olds. So there is a little more finesse. Also so much fun to watch. I, of course, spend the time taking tons of pictures. And I do mean tons. I've gone to 5 games so far and I've taken 642 pictures. I have nothing to say for myself. Nothing at all.

Thursday, October 2, 2008
Yo ho, yo ho....
On Friday and Sunday I was privileged to help Keao Sunaoka with the Children's choir performance. Keao has been working with these kids for, I think, several months. They are amazing. The great thing is though they love performing they love just sitting around singing. That is so awesome. They are also a bunch of kids and can go a little crazy so Keao asked if I could help with just keeping the kids rounded up. I came in at the last moment so I don't know how much help I was but I had fun.
After Children's choir performance on Sunday I got to do one of my favorite things. Go out on the boat! Keao asked what I was doing the rest of the day. I told her hopefully I was going out on the bay. I love it. I love hanging out and swimming at the sandbar. I love going snorkeling. I love going fishing. I pretty much love it all. Even food taste better out there. Usually my friends and their two kids come with us but they weren't feeling well so we went without them. They missed out it was gorgeous. The water was extremely clear and the waves died down and got very flat. So of course that meant we HAD to go snorkeling. Even grandma went snorkeling. I was so surprised. She had never done it before. She didn't snorkel for very long but just the fact that she did it was so shocking.
I had been snorkeling for a while when I popped out the water and told Uncle Phil that I really wished I had the underwater camera. He said we did. What!!! Why didn't you tell me. He told me I didn't ask :)
I took a lot of pictures, of course, but unfortunately it's on their camera so I don't have the pictures to post. I got some really nice ones. As I was floating around snapping pictures something came up by my shoulder. It turned out to be a eagle ray. I followed it for a little bit and got a great picture but since I don't have it you will just have to take my word for it.
After Children's choir performance on Sunday I got to do one of my favorite things. Go out on the boat! Keao asked what I was doing the rest of the day. I told her hopefully I was going out on the bay. I love it. I love hanging out and swimming at the sandbar. I love going snorkeling. I love going fishing. I pretty much love it all. Even food taste better out there. Usually my friends and their two kids come with us but they weren't feeling well so we went without them. They missed out it was gorgeous. The water was extremely clear and the waves died down and got very flat. So of course that meant we HAD to go snorkeling. Even grandma went snorkeling. I was so surprised. She had never done it before. She didn't snorkel for very long but just the fact that she did it was so shocking.
I had been snorkeling for a while when I popped out the water and told Uncle Phil that I really wished I had the underwater camera. He said we did. What!!! Why didn't you tell me. He told me I didn't ask :)
I took a lot of pictures, of course, but unfortunately it's on their camera so I don't have the pictures to post. I got some really nice ones. As I was floating around snapping pictures something came up by my shoulder. It turned out to be a eagle ray. I followed it for a little bit and got a great picture but since I don't have it you will just have to take my word for it.
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