My sweet youngest sister Katy and her best friend Jillian sang this song for me right before I left last Oct. Jillian wrote it for me the day they sang it for me. I just love it! And I had so much fun making the video. Thanks guys!
On Sunday I went to Krystie's bridal shower. It was nice, my uncle was able to come over and stay with Gpa so Gma was able to go to church. And that meant I could go but I had no car. Thank you Keao for letting me catch a ride with you. It was a good thing I did too because I would have been so lost. As it was we passed the little road we needed twice. The shower was at Krystie's grandma's house. It was such a beautiful place. We joked around that Krsytie and Vinnie should just get married there though no one would be able to find it. I'm sure too that the neighbors wouldn't be to happy with all the cars parked in front of their houses.
Of course being that it was a bridal shower there were the requisite games. They can be really fun or really bad, depending I think on the people who do them. We had alot of fun. We played the guess how much candy is in the jar game, then a guessing game where you have to feel a brown paper bag and guess the contents. And the toilet paper wedding dress game. It's always fun to see the end results, to see what people can come up with. My teams dress won. What can I say, we're good! Well it it also helped that we had such a beautiful model. And one of my fellow designers could make these amazingly looking t.p. roses. I think that put us over the top.
On the way back from the shower we had to shop for gas. Keao got out to pump then I got out join her. After she was done pumping we were going to get something to drink. So I get out and stand on my side of the car when I suddenly hear a tap on a window. I look over to see the guy in the little cashiers box thing motioning me over. All I could think was what did we do wrong? So I go over to talk to him and what he told me was completely out of the blue. He told me that he had to compliment me. When I first got out of the car he thought I was nice looking and that the front is just as nice. He told me I was a "sexy lady". Needless to say I was a little bit shocked and my response was a lame "uh, thank you." I kid you not, this happened. I walk back over to Keao and she asked me what he said so I told her. Well the whole time I'm telling her my back was to him so he kept motioning to Keao to have me turn around. She just kept shaking her head no. We go into the store and get something to drink and on the way back to the car I got a whoooo and I guess as we were driving away Keao said he was blowing me kisses! We got a good laugh over it. That was a little weird to say the least.
eet! it sounds like your family really loves you...and that dude at the gas station. maybe if he wrote you a song...
Wow, I didn't think that Katy and Jillian could get any cuter than they were ten years ago. They sound so good together. I went to the bank to see Dara today, and it was her day off...argh. Curnes is heading to West Virginia tomorrow. Glad to hear that y'all are still having fun down in the holler.
Love the video...they had some really good harmony. How did you make that video? I was very impressed.
Oh, and I love that you told the "Jamal" story. I would have but I would have to somehow obtain a picture of him which would have meant some serious stalking. Which I don't do. anymore. I will attest to the gas station story. If anything, Joy is downplaying. That boy had no shame. He was hooting and hollering like it was Friday night at the club, and not a sedate Sunday afternoon.
Hey Joy,
Just read the blog about the guy at the gas station and I was cracking up :D
But he had one thing right you are one stylin and beautiful lady.
Love and miss you, see you in Dec can't wait to Christmas shop with you!
Your sis Mel
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