On the Saturday before Mother's day I was kidnapped! I knew about it before hand though, so does that make me accessory or victim?
Hmmmm. Anyways like I said I was kidnapped. Three of my sisters were unable to go down to West Virginia with the rest of the family. Needless to say they were quite upset because I only had about a week and a half to spend with them before I left again. You know it's really crazy how a month can be such a long time and such a short time at the same time.
That Friday night my parents and a couple siblings and a brother-in-law decided last minute to go watch Iron Man. I really liked it. I think I liked it better then Fantastic Four. Did you notice that in the movie the good guy used Macs and the bad guy used a Dell? Interesting huh? I'm just putting it out there, you make your own conclusions. So the movie started at 8:50 and by the time we picked up my younger brothers from my oldest sister's house it was 1:00. By the time I went to sleep it was 1:30, 2:00. That wouldn't have been bad but I was planning to go to a prayer breakfast at my sister's house...at 7:00. Yuck! Needless to say I slept through my alarm set for 6:30 and all the
subsequent little beeps. But they called me and I actually woke up. Rats, that meant I actually had to go. It was really good so I was glad I went. Even if I lost sleep.
After the breakfast we were off to a fun filled day of shopping, Cheesecake Factory, and
girly stuff. Yea! We started out at Salvation Army. Being from such a large family all of us tend to be pretty frugal. And one of my sisters who got married last year is pregnant and was in search of deals in maternity clothes. I'm so excited, my first niece or nephew! The poor child is going to be so spoiled. All the Aunties and Uncles, the first grandchild and great grandchild. Poor kid.
After Salvation Army it took us a little drive to hit the next stop. Cheesecake Factory! Yum! I've only eaten there twice but both times were such a good experience I don't know why I don't do it more. We decided to order two entrees and split them between the 4 of us. It's a good thing we did because the plates were huge! And though we stuffed ourselves silly we still had lots of leftovers. It was as good for breakfast as it was then. If you ever go I highly recommend the
Chicken Mediera and the Chicken
Costotella! The Macaroni and Cheese appetizers are also incredible. I know, you think weird but it's really, really good.
The Cheesecake Factory
Dara, Angeline, and me
Me and ChrissyActually I tried not to eat too much as after lunch my wonderful sisters were treating me to a massage. The massage was absolutely amazing! I think I'm still mellow from it. I don't know why I've never done one before. I would love to do it again.
Yon know how if you start a diet you always seem to get irrational cravings for the things that you can't have. Well I was doing that with Starbucks. It wasn't
readily available so I wanted it
all the time. I told you
all that so you can understand the next part of the story. By the salon where I got the massage there was a Starbucks, so of course I had to get one. After we got the Starbucks I was forcing my sisters play tourist with me and take pictures. One of the places we took a picture was in front of a fountain. My coffee was placed safely on the ledge behind me. Well maybe not so safely as one of my sisters knocked it over changing places. To add insult to injury not only did it spill all over but it spilled all over my foot! I was so sad and my sister felt horrible. She offered to go get me another one but I told her that that's
ok. Now I can hold it over her head... just kidding :). Kinda.
After the infamous coffee slaying
The world's saddest picture
That night, after more shopping and girly stuff, we went back to my oldest sister's (the coffee killer) house. Her husband spent the whole day slaving away making us a wonderful dinner. He made us lamb with
potatoes and peppers. Zucchini in a
Hollandaise sauce. Then he made three different deserts. A Strawberry and Rhubarb pie, a Lemon Meringue and Meringues. What a guy! It was so good. What a great day. I could definitely get used to that!
Dara, her husband Ray, me, David (the cook) and Angeline