Thursday, May 1, 2008

I'm heading home...

In about 24 hours I'll be back at my mainland home. Or something like that. I always get so confused trying to figure it out. I leave at 9:30 at night here, travel for 14 1/2 hours and arrive in Ohio at 4:00pm. Like I said it always messes with me. Then that night I be going out with some of the sibs swing dancing. It'll be fun as long as I don't pass out on the dance floor from being exhausted. Traveling always makes me so tired especially when I fly back and forth from Ohio. It's such a long trip. This time will be nice though because I only have one layover. Usually I don't mind having more then one layover if that means I can get a cheaper ticket but last time I had just a 20 minute layover and we were 15 minutes late! Then it didn't help that my gate was all the way across the terminal. Luckily I talked to the ticket agent about it and she got me on a later flight if I missed my flight. Yea! The only problem was that I flew out 2 hours later. Good thing I was able to get ahold of my parents before they left. It takes a hour to go from my house there to the airport so usually they have to leave well in advance of me arriving.

I got in safely but my poor suitcase didn't. They were no where to be found. I talked to the harassed and abused lost baggage personnel. I always feel so bad for those people. That can't be a easy job having to be nice to tired, cranky, belligerent people. If I could I would have just let them bring it to me the next day. But that wasn't possible as I had about 60 lbs worth of frozen food for my family and as it was they had been in cooler bags for about 14 hours. We couldn't wait until the next day. So we went to Bob's Big Boy (yummy milkshake) and hung out. Me, my parents and my two youngest brothers.

You know one of the hardest things about living so far away from the rest of my family is not being apart of their lives and not watching them grow up. My brother Joe was, I think, 5 when I left and Jonnie was 3. And when I went back this past time it had been 15 months since I last saw them! They hopped out of the van when dad pulled up to get me and I hardly recognized them. They had lost the toddler pudginess and looked like someone stretched them out. They were so big. I can't even imagine what it'll be like when my sisters start having babies. I will be the aunty that they see just every once and a while. Kinda sad whne you think about it.

By the time my luggage came in it was midnight. Then there was the long drive back and saying hi to everyone when I got home. They were so cute. They all looked like just awakened bears. Not quite awake and bleary eyed because they got up to see me. By the time I went to sleep it was, I think, 2:30.

One funny thing coming home was I could see the house clearly from the beginning of the street because they had the Christmas lights on. This was September! They say they left them up for me. I just think no one wanted to take them down. It was a nice thought though. I enjoyed seeing them.

So who knows what this next trip will be like. Who knows what crazy things will happen. As long as I get there ok I'll be fine with whatever happens. So I say now. Hopefully it will be a nice quiet trip. I'll update you on the flight on the other side.


Scott Sunaoka said...

hope you made into ohio safely. traveling is always tough. i hear it's harder going east than west (at least that's what they tell us when we head home from japan). give our aloha to your family. see you in a month!

keao said...

i love how you call it your mainland home. That's right...because you now have more than one homes. Ooh, bad grammar. I can't believe you still have siblings that young..your parents must be very much in love still. hmmm...i know what its like to miss your family. Let's just convince them to move back here.