Wednesday, May 7, 2008

I don't want to grow up...

My brother Joe

It's been fun to hang out with my younger brothers. I can watch cartoons, play hide-and-seek, and just plain act even more like a big kid and not feel too weird. In fact right now we're watching Monsters Inc. I love this movie! Pretty much any cartoons for that matter. What can I say? It's been great. A couple of days ago my brother Joe and I had a ketchup packet fight. Good times, good times.

My youngest brother Jon is quite a cutie and quite a character as well. Today the poor guy wasn't feeling good. He started with a cough and he said his stomach hurt. To say he's not a good patient is a understatement. Anyone who came into the room was told either to be quiet because the noise made his stomach hurt more or to please pray for him. I got both. He asked my dad to pray for him and to anoint him (can you tell he's a Pastor's kid) then he told him not to touch him. He asked my sister Chrissy to sit by him then told her not to touch him. We feel sorry for his wife when he gets married. But my personal favorite was when he started to feel nauseated then he prayed "Have mercy on me Lord!" I kid you not, you never know what that kid will say.
The sicky Jon

Today it was like old times. Helping dad work on the car. Today we changed the shocks on my mom's van. I played all around go-fer and grunt. Like I said just like old times. Actually I always enjoyed helping dad work on things. It was always a good way to spend some time with dad. After we finished the shocks we went out to Sam's for some things for the Mother's day brunch that's on Sunday. My sister Chrissy, brother Joe and I ran around on the hunt for samples. The best part about shopping at Sam's. Then we went to another store but I took the car and hit Starbucks. The only one we have near us is in a town a half hour away. I know I don't know how I do it either! Actually I don't usually have a Starbucks except on Thursday when we have Mini-church. Today my brother Joe had his first Frappicino. He was all excited about having coffee. When he heard that the one he got didn't have any coffee in it he was bummed. So I gave him a few sips from mine. Mom wasn't happy. Just as I was sitting here writing this my sister Katy came over and was looking at the pictures and saw that we had Starbucks. She was understandably upset. Then Joe mentioned that he had coffee. Some sips of mine. Jon asked if he could have some coffee. This is how he asked,"Can I have coffee? I have hair on my chest!" I told you, you never know what he'll say.

Chrissy enjoying a Vanilla Bean Frappicino

Joe and his first frappicino

Yesterday my friend Rebecca, sisters Melody and Chrissy and I went down to the lake and got some Ice Cream. It was so cold we had to sit in the car to eat it!

Relaxing in Sam's

Playing in the carts

The Captain and his ship. Check out his figurehead. Looks pretty life-like doesn't it.


Scott Sunaoka said...

hey, that sam's and starbucks makes me believe that you really never left hawaii...instead you're just hiding in different retail shops.

keao said...

i love the pictures...the first one is beautiful. HEE HEE. I don't know if your brother would like being called beautiful but the window gave a beautiful light.

Your description of your family makes me feel like I know them...the "have mercy on me, Lord" truly had me cracking up out loud.

God's Beloved said...

must feel good to be home aye.