One of the places that I like to snorkel, though it can be a little disconcerting, is the reefs in Kaneohe Bay . The water drops off so quickly (hence drop off) by them and all I can think is a shark can come out of that deep and I wouldn't be able to see it until it's too late. I've thought of doing scuba but I think it might be a little much for me. Last year I was out with my friends again and their Pastor and his wife came along as well. Their pastor is a real local guy and loves to spear fish. No one else wanted to snorkel so I tagged along after him. I'm all about the buddy system. Probably because it's ingrained. When you have a family as big as mine you got to stick together or you got left. But back to the story. As I got farther from the boat a thought hit me, I'm in Kaneohe Bay , hammer head shark breeding ground and where tiger and great white sharks have been spotted, following a guy spearing fish, blood and flailing usually follow fish getting speared and here I am without a single weapon. Lovely. I kept getting creeped out. The something is watching me feeling was riding hard. I would do a quick 360 to check the surrounding area. Don't ask me how that would help, but I would feel better afterwards. I was proud of myself because I stuck it out. I ended up staying in the water for about 5 hours.
Today my friends let me use their underwater camera. At first I really tried to catch the fish perfectly, but as you can probably guess that didn't work out so I ended just randomly snapping pictures and hoped for the best. I was glad that some of the pictures turned out.




It was so nice out today and for the most part the water was nice and warm but every once and a while you would hit a cold pocket. Then even the chicken skin had chicken skin. I finally had to get out though the breeze in the air was almost worse then the water. My friend gave a nice hot chai tea. That helped alot. I kept spilling it all over my hands for some reason. I think the fingers weren't getting warm fast enough and they decided to take the matter in hand.
On the way back my friends little girl wanted ride in the front and couldn't without a adult. And me, being the nice aunty that I am, rode with her. It wasn't so bad except for the waves that would periodically hit me. Then I was freezing! Though he denied it I think the 'Skipper' splashed me on purpose. They certainly laughed enough when I got wet.
Soon we got back to the harbor, packed up and headed to my other home. I have like 3 now. After a marvelously warm shower I was ready to play one of my new favorite games. It's called Syzygy. It kinda a mix between Scrabble and a crossword puzzle. You are trying to be the first to use all of your tiles and all of the tiles in the draw pile. It's fast paced and you have to think quickly. Hence the fact I usually don't win, in fact my friends usually whup my tush, but I have so much fun that I keep playing it. It's amazes me that a (for the most part) fully functional brain can go blank so quickly when faced with the challenge putting letter tiles together to make words. For some reason I always seem to automatically hoard letters trying to make bigger words. And not only that but I never seem to remember that I can rearrange them over and over again if I want. Then I get stuck when I need to draw more tiles. I maintain that they cheat since they play all the time and I only get to when I go over there Sundays and Wednesdays. But I'm not salty, no. Poor loser, who me? Never.
lol, oh Joy compeditive nah, ;)
hi joy. I'm so impressed that you know fishes by name. I know fishes by slightly different names, chester, ollie, pete...
can't belive you said "tush." such vile words for preacher's daughter. hee hee
I wouldn't be that impressed. I knew some but not all the names so I looked the ones I didn't know up.
I really struggled with using such a graphic word but I felt that it was needed to properly describe my situation.
And I'm really not all the competitive, really. No really.
nice pics joy. it's really hard to take underwater pictures because usually you, the fish and the water are all moving. you can keao should get scuba certified together. it's really fun. oh and don't worry about sharks in kaneohe bay, nihokahi (the one-toothed shark) is there to protect you.
oh, joy are you gone yet? You should blog while you're home so we get to see what you're up to.
I haven't left yet. I leave tomorrow night. I'm hoping to go walking with you tomorrow one last time.
I'm going to try to keep up blogging while I'm home. It shouldn't be as crazy this time back. So it shouldn't be a problem.
Oh and Scott thanks for the info. Now I don't have to worry when I go snorkeling. :)
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