Friday, December 5, 2008

I love my lips...

Call me childish but I love cartoons. One of my favorites in Veggietales. I love them little veggies. And of course one of my favorite character is Larry the cucumber. On a few of the episodes they have a segment called "Silly Songs with Larry" and it's the part of the show where Larry comes out and sings a silly song... One of the earlier songs was "I Love My Lips" The song starts out with Larry laying on a couch telling his psychiatrist about his love for his lips. The first line of the song goes "If my lips ever left my mouth, packed a bag and headed south. That'd be too bad. I'd be so sad" Well I think I'm about to be sad. After the past couple of days I think my lips are going to leave me.

Yesterday after Minichurch I came home and snuggled in bed with my laptop to watch a movie. A little into the movie I couldn't stand it anymore, I had to fix a wrinkle that was under me. So instead of getting up and fixing it I just wiggled around then reached underneath me and pulled. Well I wasn't paying attention to my computer and it slid off the book it was on, down the pillow that the book was resting on and right into my lip. To be more precise the corner of the computer connected with my very sensitive lip. It hit it just right. It swelled up right away. Luckily today it just looks puffy.

Now fast forward to about a hour ago. I had just come back from getting more line for the weedwacker. Just finished repacking the spool and was trying to finish the little bit of the yard work I was doing. I'm getting a good rhythm down and almost finished when a rock broke loose from the wall, flew up and hit me right above my lips, just under my nose. I had a nice little red Charlie Chapman mustache. I was so good too. I had eye protection on. Ear protection. I just never thought of lip protection. Hopefully it won't look too bad tonight. And hopefully my lips don't decided to get while the getting is good.

1 comment:

Scott Sunaoka said...

what no pictures? it actually sounds like you're gaining lip and not losing it. so hooray for extra large lips!