On Monday I was able to go out to dinner with my Birthday Dinner Club girls. It was so awesome. Especially considering that the last time I was out other then quick store runs was the Monday after grandpa went into the hospital, I really miss you guys!!!
Like I said I was able to escape...er, go out... to dinner. We went to
Haleiwa Joe's here in
Kaneohe. I had only been there once before and I always forget how much I like it. The atmosphere is amazing. And of course the food is great. I had the
Teriyaki Sirloin with garlic mashed potatoes and green papaya salad. Yum! But the company was even better. I share this month with another friend, Auntie Judy (and of course millions of other people. I, in fact,
personally know 9 people born on my birthday) so the dinner the dinner was for both of us. Another friend, Auntie
Sharen, got us tiaras to wear. It's become a tradition. It started 3 birthdays ago the first time they took me to dinner. I had told my mom that I was a little bummed because that was the first birthday that I wouldn't share with my family. As I mentioned in the past post, I love birthdays. But that year nothing would happen as my grandparents aren't ones to have celebrations or anything. I set up going out with friends to the Cheese Cake Factory but they didn't know it was because I wanted to do something for my birthday.
Well after I talked to my mom I get this call out of the blue from Auntie Judy, saying that she and a couple other friends wanted to take me to dinner. When I asked her if my mom talked to her all she said was "a little bird told me". I didn't know if I should be insulted or not. After all she just called my mom a bird! When I got to dinner my Auntie
Sharen had a tiara for me to wear. I felt so
special, though they made me wear it to the theaters when we went after dinner.
At the last dinner I got the tiaras for Auntie
Sharen and Auntie Mary, starting it up again.
While we were waiting for dinner I looked up and noticed a cute little gecko hanging out by the light. I mentioned it when they asked what I was taking a picture of not knowing there was a
geckophobe among us. And of course she was one of the ones sitting close to it. She was forced to change seats.
The next day I gave grandpa some of my leftovers. Now that he can eat that kinda of stuff I like to offer it when I can. So I chopped up some steak and heated some '
tators for him. He seemed to really enjoy it. Soon he was
pau, or so I thought. Like 10 minutes later he told me that he hadn't had breakfast yet. I was surprised and asked if he was hungry. He told me he was. So I made him a
scrambled egg and he ate about half. He told me he was full now. I wanted to ask him, are you sure, really sure???
Haleiwa Joe's
The view from our table, Haiku Gardens
Auntie Judy and me, the birthday girls
From left to right: Auntis Judy, Auntie Sharen, Angela, Auntie Mary
Make a wish!